REL106 Exploring the Bible - Six sections (M,W, F, 10,11; T,Th, 10:50, 3:00) and one section online- core: Religion

There is a reason it is a best seller -- take this class and find out why for yourself.
REL107 Exploring World Religions - Six sections in a classroom (M,W, F, 10, 11; T,Th, 12:15; 1:40, ) and two sections online - core: Religion

REL 220 Taking Human Life - Two Sections (M,W, F 12)- core: Humanities
Dr. Hovey says: Is it ever okay to take human life? If so, under what conditions? Many of the hardest contemporary issues in society and for religious communities are related to these questions, whether suicide, euthanasia, abortion, capital punishment, or warfare. Join us for an exciting yet also serious course examining these ethical issues from philosophical and theological perspectives.
REL234 History of Christian Worship - (T,Th, 10:50)
Dr. Slade says: Learn how church on Sunday ended up looking the way it does. From Thomas Tallis to Chris Tomlin, Gregorian Chant to Hillsong. Learn about the history of Christian worship from the New Testament church to the present day.
Fulfills the upper-level Christian History requirement for the Religion major and the Christian Thought requirement for the minor.

REL 260 Short Term Missions (T, Th 12:15) - core: CCI with Study Away
This exciting new course with Dr. Sue Dickson explores the development, theology, and practice of international short-term, mission trips. It is designed to work with any overseas missions trip taken over Spring Break or during the summer of 2019-- this year the university has groups going to South Africa and the Dominican Republic (scholarships are available to help with travel costs). This class will enhance this experience of mission and help students engage this experience on a deeper critical level. If you are not going on a STM this spring or summer, not to worry, you can still take the course!
REL308 Faith and Society (T,Th 9:25)
Dr. Hovey says: This course pushes up against the limits of ethics by looking at recent scholarship on religion, race, and violence. You will be challenged to look at concrete events in history in different lights, especially various lights of faith. Was the violent abolitionist John Brown a religious fanatic to be condemned, a freedom fighter to be celebrated, or a complicated figure whose hope and actions were at odds yet whose faith still pointed to redemption? What theological failures were involved in the conquest of the Americas and the origins of modern notions of race and racism? In this course you will wrestle with some of the richest and most timely scholarship at the intersection of politics, religion, ethics, and faith.

REL400 Christian Literature - (T,Th, 1:40)
Dr. Aune leads this seminar in which we read and discuss some of the classic works of Christian Literature including Augustine's Confessions, Thomas a Kempis' Imitation of Christ, Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle, John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship and C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters.
Warning: these books can change lives!

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